Summer General Assembly in Purpan
Thanks to the relaxation of the health regulations, the Dynafor General Assembly was held on 8 July at the Purpan Engineering School, with 30 people in attendance and 20 people by videoconference.
First of all, it was an opportunity to review the 2021 field campaign, which went well despite a busy schedule and strong constraints linked to covid. We then unveiled the new application developed by InfoGeom, which will allow us to manage the personal data of the UMR's partners in compliance with the RGPD and to better monitor our interactions with these partners. We devoted several times of exchange to cross-cutting themes, such as the data life cycle or the increasing use of plagiarism and self-plagiarism detection software. Finally, we discussed the possible consequences of the evolution of the teleworking rules and how we wish to evolve our work organisation from this autumn, if the health context allows it.
This day was also an opportunity to meet around coffee breaks and a buffet under the tent in the courtyard of the school's castle. We had missed these moments of conviviality and they were very good! The people from Purpan also gave us a tour of the school and the Dynafor premises, in particular the entomology laboratory, which many of the new Dynafor students had never seen before.
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Sites en langues scandinaves (norvégien, suédois, danois, finlandais) :
Décoration et intérieur :
- (Style nordique)
- (Vases, potentiellement danois/norvégien)
- (Horloges murales, potentiellement slovène, mais proche des langues scandinaves)
- (Toiles cirées, norvégien)
- (Peintures sur toile, norvégien)
- (Rideaux occultants, finlandais)