Dynafor effectue ses recherches sur différents sites d’étude en fonction des besoins des projets et des partenariats. Parmi les nombreux sites en France, deux sont privilégiés : les Pyrénées et les Vallées et Coteaux de Gascogne. Dynafor intervient également à l’échelle européenne et internationale sur différents continents.
Dynafor effectue ses recherches sur différents sites d’étude en fonction des besoins des projets et des partenariats. Parmi les nombreux sites en France, deux sont privilégiés : les Pyrénées et les Vallées et Coteaux de Gascogne. Dynafor intervient également à l’échelle européenne et internationale sur différents continents.

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In line with its scientific project focused on the sustainability of agricultural and forestry activities, Dynafor seeks to conduct its activities in a sustainable manner.
Dynafor's willingness to generate and disseminate knowledge, respond to requests, etc. generates a significant environmental footprint. In addition, the current system of research evaluation encourages scientists to be more efficient, publish more articles, collect more data, attend more conferences, develop more international collaborations, activities that can have a significant environmental impact. The tension between Dynafor's desire for sustainability and its desire for impact, as well as the expectations of the research evaluation system, is proving increasingly difficult to manage.
Dynafor first assessed the environmental footprint of the unit's various activities and the actions already taken to limit this footprint: mobility (teleworking, favouring videoconferencing, taking the train between Toulouse and Paris, limiting air travel, carpooling as soon as possible, coming to work by bike), IT (increasing the life span of devices, limiting the amount of data stored, cleaning your mailbox, using shared documents and not attachments), data collection (assessing the costs and benefits of acquiring new data, using non-invasive methods that do not require taking samples from individuals or significantly disturbing their environment) and the work environment (developing sorting, facilitating local, organic, plastic-free supply, using non-polluting materials).
The individual, collective and institutional areas for improvement were discussed during a Thursday feedback session. This assessment shows that a large number of courses of action depend on the organizational levels above the unit (INRA centre, institutes, research evaluation bodies). It is for this reason that several Dynafor agents have participated in the Sustainable Development Commission of the INRA Toulouse Centre, the Toulouse Political Ecology Workshop and the Labos 1.5 initiative. The objective of these groups is to share their knowledge and experience but also to organize themselves in order to be able to profoundly transform the way research works.
In this way, Dynafor wishes to contribute more actively to the emergence of more sustainable research practices