Dynafor effectue ses recherches sur différents sites d’étude en fonction des besoins des projets et des partenariats. Parmi les nombreux sites en France, deux sont privilégiés : les Pyrénées et les Vallées et Coteaux de Gascogne. Dynafor intervient également à l’échelle européenne et internationale sur différents continents.
Dynafor effectue ses recherches sur différents sites d’étude en fonction des besoins des projets et des partenariats. Parmi les nombreux sites en France, deux sont privilégiés : les Pyrénées et les Vallées et Coteaux de Gascogne. Dynafor intervient également à l’échelle européenne et internationale sur différents continents.

Abonnement Newsletter

Dynafor's technical activities are organized in 3 groups
Management Group Management Group
The Management Group regularly communicates information on financial resources and staff arrivals/departure, which is discussed in GUDU, CUMR and AG. The needs for research operations (field, geomatics, etc.) are regularly collected and can be expressed by everyone at any time for discussion/validation in CUMR. The unit also finances the recruitment of trainees from its own funds (approximately 3 internships per year validated in CUMR) in order to promote interdisciplinarity and/or exploratory topics of interest to the unit. The Management Group plays a major role in regularly reminding staff, particularly non-permanent staff, of administrative and security rules.
OrgaTerrain Group
The OrgaTerrain group organizes all activities related to the collection of observational data (biodiversity, SE, practices, weather), from the co-design of protocols to the identification of samples and data entry. Activities related to different protocols and projects are distributed in the technical rooms on the three sites. Improving project coordination, capitalizing on methodological achievements and linking them to prevention policy therefore remain priorities for the unit.
InfoGeom Group
The InfoGeom group organizes IT, data management and geomatics engineering activities and ensures the security of the unit's information systems. The group provides support to field activities through the preparation of cartographic materials and embedded applications, support to scientists through the calculation of GIS variables for statistical analyses, support to data management through the creation of data management plans (DMPs), metadata production and database construction. Dynafor manages several types of servers (backed up storage, computation, spatial imaging, web hosting, database management system). The acquisition and availability of massive imaging data from remote sensing as well as the acquisition of acoustic ecology data generate growing needs in terms of storage and computing capacity. Since 2018, the group has been conducting tests on the France-Grilles infrastructure to address these challenges.