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Dynafor organizes or participates in the organization of scientific and knowledge dissemination events.


2017: Landscape ecology meeting

Landscape ecology is a relatively new discipline that has developed considerably over the past thirty years. It was the founding discipline of the unit and remains its core discipline to this day. Several French laboratories also claim to be in this discipline (Rennes, Paris, Besançon, Montpellier, Aix, Bordeaux, Nancy, Angers - see survey). French research in landscape ecology is considered very active, particularly in the study of socio-ecological landscapes. In addition, landscapes are the subject of significant and growing institutional and political interest. However, this discipline still lacks visibility in France. It is for these reasons that Dynafor (M. Deconchat and C. Sirami) created in October 2016 the thematic group on Landscape Ecology within the French Society of Ecology and Evolution. The objective of this group is to structure the community of ecologists of French landscapes and to make the progress of this discipline better known (Cf. Regard d'Opinion on the SFE² website).


The thematic group organized the Rencontres d'Ecologie des Paysages in Toulouse in 2017. This event brought together 150 researchers, students and professionals from more than 43 laboratories or structures. The meetings combined 5 sessions on topics conducive to interdisciplinarity with remote sensing or social sciences, with a plenary of recognized researchers, and 1 day in the field at the Atelier des Vallées et Coteaux de Gascogne site of the ZA PYGAR and the OHM Pyrenees. The landscape ecology meetings were a great success as expressed by many participants. 

The organisation of these meetings was also an opportunity for Dynafor to assert its position on the Toulousain site and in France. Dynafor has chosen to set up an organising committee with members from 6 units (Dynafor, Edb, Geode, Cefs, Ecolab, Sete). The programme made it possible to include the themes addressed within each of Dynafor's three axes. This event was therefore extremely unifying for the unit. A video and watercolours were used as a feedback to the ESOF 2018 partners' office, which had labelled the event as part of "ESOF 2018 - Toulouse, Cité européenne de la Science".


The Landscape Ecology thematic group is one of the most dynamic groups in SFE². It has 186 members in 2019. The success of the group can be measured by the vitality of its mailing list and by the fact that the next Landscape Ecology Meetings are already planned: the REP 2019 will take place in Bordeaux from 5 to 7 November 2019. The group's objective is to organize these REPs every two years, alternating with the SFE² international conference, which also takes place every two years.

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