Dynafor effectue ses recherches sur différents sites d’étude en fonction des besoins des projets et des partenariats. Parmi les nombreux sites en France, deux sont privilégiés : les Pyrénées et les Vallées et Coteaux de Gascogne. Dynafor intervient également à l’échelle européenne et internationale sur différents continents.
Dynafor effectue ses recherches sur différents sites d’étude en fonction des besoins des projets et des partenariats. Parmi les nombreux sites en France, deux sont privilégiés : les Pyrénées et les Vallées et Coteaux de Gascogne. Dynafor intervient également à l’échelle européenne et internationale sur différents continents.
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Clément Floriane
Research fellow, INRAE
mail: floriane.clement[at]inrae.fr
I conduct research on agricultural and environmental governance, with a focus on policy processes and multi-level and deliberative forms of governance. I am particularly interested in understanding what creates gaps between policy intentions and outcomes, through multi-level analyses, drawing on institutional analysis, discourse analysis and feminist studies. Theoretically, I have been exploring spaces of dialogue and tensions among institutional analysis, commons studies and (feminist) political ecology.
Before joining INRA in 2018, I studied forest and land policies in Vietnam, watershed policies in India and water and gender development programmes in Nepal. My research at INRA focuses on the implementation of agroecological and agrienvironmental public policies. I mostly draw on qualitative methods but have also used mixed research methods in collaboration with economists and have engaged in participatory action research (participatory video combined with deliberative forums).
More details on my profile on Research gate and list of publications on Google Scholar
I have a multidisciplinary educational background with an engineering degree in geosciences and civil engineering (Polytech’Orléans, France), an MSc degree in environmental sciences (Chalmers University, Sweden) and a PhD that cut across human geography and political science (Newcastle University, UK).
Clement, F., Pradhan P. & Van Koppen B. (2019) Understanding the non-institutionalization of a socio-technical innovation: the case of multiple-use water services (MUS) in Nepal, Water International, DOI: 10.1080/02508060.2019.1600336
Clement, F., Harcourt, W., Joshi, D. & Sato, C. (2019). Feminist political ecologies of the commons and commoning (Editorial to the Special Feature). International Journal of the Commons, 13 (1), 1-15. DOI : 10.18352/ijc.972 http://prodinra.inra.fr/record/473076
Shrestha, G., Joshi, D. & Clement, F., 2019. Masculinities and hydropower in India: A feminist political ecology perspective. International Journal of the Commons, 13(1) https://www.thecommonsjournal.org/articles/920/
Clement F. (2018) Exploring the Use of Audiovisual Media for Deliberation. In: Bartels K.P.R. & Wittmayer J.M. (Eds) Action research in policy analysis. Critical and relational approaches to sustainability transitions. Chapter 10. London: Routledge
O’Hara C. & Clement F. (2018) Power as Agency: A critical look at measures of women’s empowerment in the development sector. World Development, 106, 111-123.
Clement F., Suhardiman D. & Bharati L. (2017) IWRM Discourses, Institutional Holy Grail and Water Justice in Nepal, Water Alternatives, 10, 3, 493-510.
Leder S., Clement F. & Karki E. (2017). Reframing Women’s Empowerment in Water Security Programmes in Western Nepal. Gender & Development, 25(2), 235-251.
Suhardiman D., Clement F. & Bharati L. (2015) Integrated Water Resources Management in Nepal: Key stakeholders' perceptions and lessons learned, International Journal of Water Resources Development, 31, 2, 284-300.
Sugden, F., Maskey, N., Clement, F., Ramesh, V., Philip, A. & Rai, A. (2014) Agrarian Stress and Climate Change in the Eastern Gangetic Plains: Gendered vulnerability in a stratified social formation, Global Environmental Change, 29, 258-269.
Clement, F. (2013) For Critical Social-Ecological System Studies: Integrating power and discourses to move beyond the right institutional fit, Environmental Conservation, 40, 1, 1-4.
Venot J.P. & Clement F. (2013) Justice in Development? An analysis of water interventions in the rural south, Natural Resources Forum, 37, 1, 19-30.
Clement F. & Amezaga J.M. (2013) Conceptualising Context in Institutional Reforms of Land and Natural Resource Management: The case of Vietnam, International Journal of the Commons, 7, 1, 140-163.
Clement F. (2010) Analysing Decentralised Natural Resource Governance: Proposition for a “politicised” Institutional Analysis and Development framework, Policy Sciences, 43, 2, 129-56.
Clement F., Orange D., Williams M., Muller C. & Epprecht M. (2009). Drivers of Afforestation in Northern Vietnam: Assessing local variations using geographically weighted regression, Applied Geography, 29, 4, 561-576.
Clement F. & Amezaga J.M. (2009). Afforestation and Forestry Land Allocation in NorthernVietnam: Analysing the gap between policy intentions and outcomes. Land Use Policy, 26, 458-70.
Clement F. & Amezaga J.M. (2008) Linking Reforestation Policies with Land Use Change in Northern Vietnam: Why do local factors matter, Geoforum, 39, 1, 265-77.